After drawing the largest tree, Oaxaca

At a showing of her squashes and other vegetals, 2023.
Life Thus Far
Joan was born in Dallas Texas. At the age of 19 she boarded a bus to attend school in Mexico. A year later she was forced to drop out and became a nanny and then taught english as a second language. She stayed for 8 years, married and returned with her husband to Pennsylvania
Joan Roberts Garcia entered the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 27. She was pregnant with her first of two children. Thus began two inextricably intertwined, equally demanding and rewarding yet often conflicting roles: that of a serious artist and as a single mother.
She was awarded a travelling scholarship upon graduation, which she took in Spain- three-year-old daughter in tow. The Moorish architecture excited and inspired years of abstractions in mixed media, that combined spatial and physical opposites in accumulations that forced the viewer to give up trying to focus on parts and experience their effect instead- much like what is seen in nature.
She moved to NYC from the Pojoaque area of New Mexico in the 90s- for her art. There she continued making her art work, raising her children, and became involved in art education, splitting her time between the city and the wilderness of New Mexico. Art production has continued, without stop, during all of her endeavors. In 2018 she purchased a little home in Placitas and in 2022 made the complete return. She now makes art in her studio in Corrales, New Mexico. Her work can be seen by appointment.
The Work
After years of comparing textures and patterns with natural materials and metal, showing natural layering and disintegration, Joan missed color and returned to oil painting. and two dimensional mixed media and painting. A recurring theme is one of squashes and other organic forms, painted at dusk when they seem to disappear and become part of the darkness around them. Some of these paintings have titles that reveal themselves as self-portraits, such as, “Look What Happened to Cinderella” and “La Maternidad- perched”. The subject of redefinition that comes with later motherhood is also explored in “Once Upon a Time” a portrait of an empty rocking chair, springs exposed, caught in the shimmering light of dusk that bounces off its surface and her art studio around it. She does not see a separation between the mixed media abstracts and more objective paintings as what she is exploring is a similarity of underlying formal qualities within diverse materials and subjects. Subject matter is not important. It is the form that counts.
Space and geometry witnessed in landscapes are some current subjects Joan is exploring. She refers to some of these landscapes and nature-scapes as her "membrane paintings". Perhaps you can see why in Birch, and Turn in the Road, and very recently, Ojito. Nature has always been the source of her inspiration, whether in the brambles. geological formations and trees she photographs, the subtle nuances of dusk light on organic forms, interiors, architectural and urban forms or in the natural process of tarnish in pieces such as Icon or Maine Winter.
The production of Joan's art has continued, without stop, during all of her endeavors. In 2018 she purchased a little home in Placitas and in 2022 made the complete return back from New York City. She now makes art in her studio in Corrales, New Mexico. Her work can be seen by appointment.
A Note:
I mention motherhood because too often women artists do not. We try to fit the "mold" which is of course impossible- and so we pale in comparison with men, whose work methods and lives the art world is more used to considering. We women often have another career- the care of children- which our male counterparts often do not.
I also mention it because my particular situation is highly unusual. Single parents, (particularly those who are not supported) tend to give up art making for at least part of their lives. I never considered that. I always had a studio; I always worked on my art no matter what else I was doing to put food on the table. Something had to go and it was the pursuit of exhibitions and galleries, for a while. I assumed,that when I could address that I would have a strong body of work to show, which I feel I do. I hope this shows my dedication to my art- its importance in my life.
ALL women should include their lives as women as well as artists, in my opinion.
5 Camino de los Pueblitos, Placitas, NM 87043
5 Camino de los Pueblitos, Placitas, NM 87043
2006 ABD in Art Education; Columbia University
1998 Ed.M in Art Education; Columbia University
1988 M.F.A. in Painting and Drawing; The University of Washington;
Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
1981 Certificate in Painting and Drawing; The Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts;Philadelphia
of the Fine Arts;Philadelphia
2023 One person exhibit, La Fonda del Bosque Gallery Hall, National Hispanic Cultural Center. .
2021- Presentation to CAS- Contemporary Art Society, in studio at the Harwood Center, Albuquerque NM
2017. Photographs by Joan Roberts Garcia. Chase, Abingdon Branch, NYC.
2023 One person exhibit, La Fonda del Bosque Gallery Hall, National Hispanic Cultural Center. .
2021- Presentation to CAS- Contemporary Art Society, in studio at the Harwood Center, Albuquerque NM
2017. Photographs by Joan Roberts Garcia. Chase, Abingdon Branch, NYC.
2016. At Dusk. Westbeth Gallery. NYC. Two person show.
1999 Myung Sook Lee Gallery, Soho, New York
1999 Myung Sook Lee Gallery, Soho, New York
1991 Cloud Cliff Art Space, Santa Fe, NM
1986 Poe Ae Pi Gallery, Santa Fe NM
2022. The Satchel Project. Invited exhibit- result of NEA grant, curated by Sonja Horoshko. . Cortez Community Center, Cortez Colorado.
2019- Winter Exhibit. Westbeth, NYC
2013-2016 Participant in the Open Studio Tour, and High Line Open Studio Tours, West Chelsea Artists
2013 The Grant Show; Westbeth Gallery, West Village NYC.
2012 1440 B Gallery, 601 W 26th St. Chelsea NYC
2013-2016 Participant in the Open Studio Tour, and High Line Open Studio Tours, West Chelsea Artists
2013 The Grant Show; Westbeth Gallery, West Village NYC.
2012 1440 B Gallery, 601 W 26th St. Chelsea NYC
2010 Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Portland Maine
2009 Westbeth Gallery, NYC
2008 Faculty Exhibition, Maisley Gallery, UNM Albuquerque, NM
2007 Alumni Exhibition,PAFA, DUMBO, New York
2005 The Blossom Street Gallery, Houston Texas. "Pure Visuals".
2005 The Cafe Pink, Santa Fe New Mexico; "Artists at Work"
2004 The Historic Santa Fe Foundation, Canyon Rd. Sant Fe NM.
"Resident Artists of El Zaguan".
"Resident Artists of El Zaguan".
2001 Westbeth Gallery; NYC
1999 Centennial Juried Exhibition, The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania
Academy of Fine Arts, in
the Institute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe, NM
Academy of Fine Arts, in
The Museum of American Art, Philadelphia, PA.
1997 "Representation and Identity", Group Show, Macy Gallery,
Teacher's College, Columbia
Teacher's College, Columbia
University, NYC.
1993 San Juan Community College, Farmington, New Mexico
1993 Juried Exhibition, The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts; in the Phillip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art at
Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
the Fine Arts; in the Phillip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art at
Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
1993 Spirit Arts, Santa Fe, in Collaboration with the Barber Shop
Gallery, Taos.
Gallery, Taos.
1992 New Mexico Sculptor's Guild, St. John's University, Santa Fe, NM
1989 "New American Talent", Texas Art Association, Laguna Gloria
Museum, Austin, Texas. Juried by John Caldwell.
1989 "Women Becoming Painters", (Panelist/Presenter) Organized by Museum, Austin, Texas. Juried by John Caldwell.
the Institute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe, NM
1984 Clifford Gallery, Dallas Texas
1980 and 1981: Juried Exhibition of the Fellowship of PAFA, Philadelphia,
2021 Selected presenter to members of CAS, Contemporary Art Society of NM, in Harwood Albuquerque Studio.
2021. Finalist- The Gottlieb Individual Artist Support Grant.
2018 Soaring Gardens Artist Residency; Ora Lerman Foundation, Penna.
2013- Finalist Gottlieb Foudation Individual Support Grant
2011 Grant- Artist's Fund Inc.
2021. Finalist- The Gottlieb Individual Artist Support Grant.
2018 Soaring Gardens Artist Residency; Ora Lerman Foundation, Penna.
2013- Finalist Gottlieb Foudation Individual Support Grant
2011 Grant- Artist's Fund Inc.
2004 Invited to present at the Second World Conference on Mulla
Sadra; Tehran. Topic: "Form, Mimesis and the Metaphysical
Stance as Evidenced in Islamic and Contemporary Western Art"
Sadra; Tehran. Topic: "Form, Mimesis and the Metaphysical
Stance as Evidenced in Islamic and Contemporary Western Art"
2000 "The Embedded Iconography of Sigmar Polke" Chicago Art
Journal, Spring 2000.
Journal, Spring 2000.
1997 (1) Jurors Award (2) Honorable Mention and (3) Touring Citation:
"New American Talent", Laguna Gloria Museum; Austin Texas.
(Three different entries).
"New American Talent", Laguna Gloria Museum; Austin Texas.
(Three different entries).
1986 Scholarship for Merit: School of Art, University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
1986 Poncho Scholarship; City of Seattle, Seattle, Washington
1981 from 1979: (The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts) Awards:
Henry Schiedt Travelling Scholarship '81, (taken in Spain and
Portugal); Weiner Prize for Painting and Stauffer Prize for
Henry Schiedt Travelling Scholarship '81, (taken in Spain and
Portugal); Weiner Prize for Painting and Stauffer Prize for
Excellence in Any Medium '81; Saunders Woods Prize for
Landscape Painting '79.
Landscape Painting '79.
Private collections in the U.S and Mexico, and The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Continuous: Development, fabrication and exhibition of own art work
College Level
2007-2008 Supervisor of student art teachers, The University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque
Mexico, Albuquerque
2001, 2002 Bergen County Community College, NJ. Instructor of Life
Drawing I, Drawing Fundamentals.
Drawing I, Drawing Fundamentals.
2000 New Jersey City University: Instructor of 2 Dimensional Design.
1993 The University of New Mexico at Gallup; Visiting Lecturer. Two
lectures: "Women in European and Early American Art History" and
"A Multi-Cultural Presentation of Contemporary Work Being Done By
Women Artists".
lectures: "Women in European and Early American Art History" and
"A Multi-Cultural Presentation of Contemporary Work Being Done By
Women Artists".
1992 Institute of American Indian Arts; Visiting Lecturer. "Women in Art";
cross-cultural slide
cross-cultural slide
presentation and lecture focusing on work by women artists.
1992 Dine Community College, Shiprock NM. Art Instructor in
Intermediate Painting and Lecturer of
Intermediate Painting and Lecturer of
"Women in Art", a cross-cultural presentation/seminar.
1990 Consultant on Art Curriculum Writing: Towards a Native American
Aesthtic, By Gloria Emerson;
Aesthtic, By Gloria Emerson;
Center for Research and Cultural Exchange, IAIA, Santa Fe, NM
1990 Painting Instructor, Joan Roberts Studio, Pojoaque, NM
1989 Guest Speaker, "Women Becoming Painters", forum organized by
the Institute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe, NM
the Institute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe, NM
1987-1988 Teaching Assistant; Beginning and Intermediate Drawing and
Advanced Painting, The University of Washington, Seattle,
Advanced Painting, The University of Washington, Seattle,
2024 After school art classes in drawing and color mixing at Sto Domingo Elementary.
2016- Art Education demonstration to Fine Arts Teachers, with young children. Presentation to teachers and parents. Oaxaca, Mexico
2012-2016 Art Classes to children in my studio.
2016- Art Education demonstration to Fine Arts Teachers, with young children. Presentation to teachers and parents. Oaxaca, Mexico
2012-2016 Art Classes to children in my studio.
2007 Arts Specialist. "A Child's Garden"- Early Childhood Center.
Albuquerque, NM
2007- University of New Mexico, Dept of Education, Supervisor of student art teachers
Albuquerque, NM
2007- University of New Mexico, Dept of Education, Supervisor of student art teachers
2003-2005 Arts Program Specialist: Santa Fe Public Schools, Santa Fe,
NM.Responsible for designing and implementing the first state
funded elementary art program. Duties included the development
of a visiting artist component; interviewing, support and supervision
on a content level of art teachers; curriculum development for the
visual and performing arts, and the organization of a
multicultural Arts Advisory Committee.
NM.Responsible for designing and implementing the first state
funded elementary art program. Duties included the development
of a visiting artist component; interviewing, support and supervision
on a content level of art teachers; curriculum development for the
visual and performing arts, and the organization of a
multicultural Arts Advisory Committee.
Spring 2000 High School Art Instructor: Ceramics and Fundamentals;
Great Neck Public Schools, Great Neck NY.
Great Neck Public Schools, Great Neck NY.
1999-2000 Art Teacher (Studio Practices, Photography, Ceramics,
Sculpture), Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn, NY.
Sculpture), Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn, NY.
1998-1999 K-12 Art Teacher, Special Ed. Lorge Non-Public School,
Manhattan, New York.
Manhattan, New York.
Spring 1998 K-12 Art Teacher; P.S. 164Q. Full time replacement; multi-
cultural Public School in Queens, NY.
cultural Public School in Queens, NY.
Fall 1998 Student Teaching; Fiorello Laguardia High School for the Visual
and Performing Arts, NYC.
and Performing Arts, NYC.
1993 Art Instructor for the Summer Program, Pojoaque Schools,NM.